1689 Baptist Confession of Faith
The Evangelical Christian Church "Sola Grazia" is a "confessional church". Our belief is expressed in the " 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith".
In our opinion it contains, better than any other confession, the essence of biblical faith. Of course, it is and remains a human document and therefore fallible. A document that reflects the bitter polemics and theological discussions of his time and, therefore, more apt to respond to questions that we, today, will put "on the agenda". Finally, the document being "old", is necessarily incomplete with respect to the later development of theological debate.
However, while admitting all this, we believe that we can not find anything better than the "1689 Baptist Confession of Faith" to express what we believe. There is no chapter or any paragraph that we would like to eliminate in it and, as a whole, represents " the things we most surely believed".
1689 Baptist Confession of Faith (PDF)
Our peculiarities
We believe that for a church to be called truly Christian must have at least the following four characteristics, we humbly strive to possess and study it more and more to refine:
a. The faithful proclamation of the Gospel, that is the call of sinners to faith in Christ and repentance. This Gospel preached by the Lord Jesus Christ and his apostles teaches that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone and that those who believe and repent will learn to give up worldly desires in this world to live soberly, righteously, and godly (Titus 2:12).
b. The faithful preaching of the whole counsel of God. The method of preaching by the pastors of our church is that of a faithful, accurate and systematic exposition of the various books that make up the Bible together with a careful application of its principles to the conscience of every listener . We believe this is the most profitable to instruct each member of the Christian truth and to urge not only to listen but also to put into practice it the Word (James 1:22).
c. The correct administration of the sacraments. Our church believes that the Lord Jesus Christ has left us only two sacraments: baptism and the Lord's Supper, and that these should be administered in the correct form. In particular, we believe that baptism should be administered only to adults who profess their faith in Jesus Christ and in a credible showing that he had repented, that is practiced by immersion and in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Lord's Supper, reserved exclusively for members and those who are communicating in a substantial communion with our church, is administered on the first Sunday of odd months, to commemorate the death of the Lord in the forms of bread and wine.
d. The faithful administration of ecclesiastical discipline. Because we believe that a sincere profession of faith also implies a willingness to be accountable for his conduct of the church and, in particular, to their drivers, we are committed to exhort each other and also to correct one another in order to always be more in line with what the Word of God requires of us. We recognize to the church the right to correct and discipline any member for his own good and in view of his eternal salvation.